Friday, October 4, 2019

Busy Book #2

After my first busy book, I was SURE I’d never make another.  It took me at least 3 months to make and was a major labor of love.  BUT then... my first busy book was either lost or stolen.  😢

A few months after realizing it was gone, I faced reality and realized my kids wouldn’t have a busy book again unless I made another.  So... I buckled down and did it.

The silver lining is there were so many new fresh ideas to try, so I was able to add a lot more fun things that weren’t included in our first busy book.  I decided this book would be a quick one, not nearly as time consuming as the first.  I’m happy to say it only took me 2 weeks!!! Part of that was experience (I made one before) and the other part is that I chose simpler pages.

The cover of this book is a bible cover with a zipper.  I embroidered it and included 3 butterflies, one for each of my girls.

This page is buttoning and color matching practice.  My girls love to pretend to paint faces, nails, etc, so I added a tiny paintbrush for them to use.

Mr. Potato head is so much fun!  The left page is a little suitcase to hold all the pieces.

The ballet shoes are for practice tying.  The unicorn is for playing with hair.  I'll be adding some bows and rubber bands so the girls can braid. 

And here we have our baking pages, haha!  The pie is weaving practice. 
The cupcakes have sprinkles for number recognition. They velcro on.  

I ADORE this sand castle page!  Each piece can be matched with any other.  The pail is for storage.

The dog is a white terrier, a family favorite!  The collar and leash are for buckling practice.
The girls love playing doctor so I added a doctor bag.  I placed these pages together so the girls could be veterinarians.  

The mouse maze and lacing page was very simple but is also fun.  The sequin page was the easiest one, but also the biggest hit!  I used a pillow from the dollar store and sewed it to stiffened felt. 


10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Blast off!
It's a space shuttle!  This is a zipper practicing page.

I really hope this book stays with us until my girls are all grown 
and the grandkids can use it!  

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